Floating Man

Floating solar pv - FPV

New technology of Floating solar structure for onshore & offshore .

These floating structures are designed with new patented technology, so that 
any solar panel can be installed on them. On the other hand, they have many advantages.

The world is moving towards the use of renewable energies, especially floating solar energy, while all the coastal cities and islands have the most available space in the sea around them, which have the ability to launch a solar project on the sea

Floating Solar=on shore Floating Solar & offshore Floating Solar

A big problem in using solar energy in big coastal cities is providing suitable land area for installing solar panels. It is a major problem in many crowded and expensive coastal areas with high electricity consumption. Floating solar arrays can also be used on wetlands, natural lakes and lakes behind dams. The advantage of this design compared to the existing floating solar panels is its durability against waves and no need for a wave breaker. Commercially available floating solar panels are usually installed on low height plastic pontoons, which are easily flooded against waves, and therefore, those are suitable for areas with calm and still water, while the most available and cheap area is related to the seas near the coasts, which are usually exposed to waves. Our floating solar structure is so designed that it prevents solar panels from waves when exposed to 2-meter wave height and does not need a separate wave breaker. Also, the existing structure itself leads to wave cancellation of at least 45%. In case of high tides with high water level changes, there will be no problem.



  • Capable of storms up to 160 km/h
  • Lifespan above 30 years
  • No need to buy land and greatly reduce the cost of the project
  • Increase project efficiency up to 20%
  • Ability to install all types of panels available in the market, especially bifacial panels
  • Ability to install panels horizontally and vertically
  • Ability to install with all the angles according to what customers wish
  • Ability to clean solar panels with cleaning robots
  • No need for maintenance
  • Resistance to sea tides
  • Excellent resistance to sea corrosion
  • Can be installed at any depth of the sea
  • Prefabricated and quick to install
  • Ability to be modular and form a project in megawatt or gigawatt scale
  • Anchoring by cables or chains anywhere in the sea