Floating Man

Floating solar structure for … Dam, River ,Reservoirs

Dam, River, Reservoirs:
Economy grade floating solar structure:
Economy grade of this structure can be used in dams, rivers and reservoirs


Capable of storms up to 160 km/h
Lifespan above 30 years
No need to buy land and greatly reduce the cost of the project
Increase project efficiency up to 20%
Ability to install all types of panels available in the market, especially bifacial panels
Ability to install panels horizontally and vertically
Ability to install with all the angles according to what customers wish
Ability to clean solar panels with cleaning robots
No need for maintenance
Resistance to sea tides
Excellent resistance to sea corrosion
Can be installed at any depth of the sea
Prefabricated and quick to install
Ability to be modular and form a project in megawatt or gigawatt scale
Anchoring by cables or chains anywhere in the sea