Floating Man

UAE Floating Man introduces new technology of Offshore-Floating solar pv -

Floating Man, a company based in Dubai, is in the midst of discussions to launch an innovative offshore solar structure. This structure, utilizing advanced floating technology, would span 900 square meters and have the capacity to hold around 200 solar panels.

Dubai’s Floating Man, a pioneer in floating structures, has unveiled an innovative offshore solar platform. The company’s CEO, Mehdi Honarvar, shared that they are currently finalizing deals for the system’s deployment.

Honarvar explained, “We’re exploring potential sites for a pilot project. This technology is groundbreaking, particularly for open-sea applications. Many nations are shifting from land-based to floating solar power.”

The company’s announcement highlighted the structure’s durability, withstanding winds up to 160 km/h and boasting a 30-year lifespan. It’s constructed from steel with a corrosion-resistant coating and relies on 30 floating pontoons for stability.

Honarvar emphasized, “Our pontoons greatly enhance safety in extreme weather. We also hold a patent for an offshore floating breakwater, which can protect floating solar projects.”