Floating Man

Floating solar Potential in kingdom of Saudi Arabia

 The potential of the Saudi Arabia marine to generate electricity by floating solar structures is minimum 1654 Giga Watt.


The potential of the Saudi Arabia marine to generate electricity by floating solar structures

 The beaches of  Saudi Arabia  have  3060 kilometers of coastline, which are very suitable areas for Launching floating solar  projects in the sea,

 so that there is a special capacity to supply both the electricity  produced in the entire  city and the excess electricity  produced  to  neighboring

 cities and countries to export.

 Mehdi Honarvar of Floating Man announced: According to our research, based on 50 and 100 years

 of wind and wave speed data on the different coast, we came to the conclusion that by using the unique technology of our floating breakwaters,

 which are actually the  new  generation  of  floating  breakwaters  in are in the  world ,  there  is  this ability to initially design a  safe  marine

  environment for   floating solar projects, Then it is possible to design the maximum capacities in the sea and sea spaces that are unusable as  a

 floating solar project.
 According to our preliminary investigations, the accessible space of Saudi Arabia  is at least  1,100,000 hectares if just using 5% of your

 availability , and      with the solar structure technology of this company, which is under the international patent of Tibet, it is possible to

produce the equivalent of 1654 gigawatt  of electricity through floating

 solar pv   energy.
 This is despite the fact that this number is far beyond the needs of the city of  Saudi Arabia  at the moment and almost all of its electricity can be exported to  other countries and cities.